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Martin and George or George and Martin?

Here we are at the first Route 66 sign we saw. Ironically it was at the 66th mile of today's ride. Today's ride was mostly along HW 58 except for the first 3 miles and the last 6 miles. We were averaging about 17 MPH until we had to get off HW 58. It was all legs and nothing to do with the tailwind. Of course I did see a McDonald's paper bag going faster than us in Barstow. There was one little hiccup in the beginning when the route took us down a dead end frontage road. We were quite the sight crawling through a barbed wire fence and lifting our bikes over. (Did you know that Samuel Glidden invented barbed wire?)
Here is our ride on Strava.

We had decided to end the day in Barstow last night. We had time in the afternoon to nap, have lunch and do some laundry.

So here are a couple of things I have been thinking about:
I can't imagine traveling across the country in a covered wagon. You can see the mountains for miles. They must have been so imposing.

Thom and I are compatible riders. We have ridden enough with each other over the years to each take the lead at different times without us having to talk about it. We also spent a good amount of time today riding side by side since there was a nice wide shoulder.

Please don't blame Strava for our/my route planning mishaps. I must be doing something wrong in RideWithGPS. We use Strava to record our rides.

We really do appreciate all of your comments on the blog or Facebook. Some of you have said you want to join us. Feel free to do so.

BTW We have changed our route for the next few days so that we are following Route 66.



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