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With a Little Help From My Friends

Claudia and I started the day having breakfast with our friend Rick who drove up from Columbus to visit with us. We hadn't seen Rick in about 25 years. It was great to catch up with what was new in his life. Appropriately we had breakfast at  the Pullman Bay Restaurant. It was almost the Bay 2 Bay 2 Bay. There is a big reservoir in Celina, Ohio and it was nice to watch from the restaurant,

Just like Todd last night, Rick knows how to take a selfie without scowling.

Thom and I started our ride at 10:30 AM. It was warm. I heard on the news that Toledo reached 92 degrees today. We are near Toledo. The ride was quick just shy of 17 MPH and short (67 miles). The wind was from the southwest and that may have helped but our legs were really strong. 

Actually our legs are a little shot and we are definitely taking tomorrow off.

One of the more interesting parts of riding in the plain states is the farm equipment. They are huge. It is always a little heart pounding when you see a piece of equipment (don't ask me the name) and you are passing it with a car behind you. Some of the equipment is big enough that we could ride our bikes underneath them. If we are lucky the equipment is a New Holland brand. New Holland is Thom's hometown. Tonight at dinner there was a gentleman wearing a New Holland brand golf shirt.

Here's the ride on Strava:


We didn't enter a new state but we did pass 75% of the miles. Here's the table.


Rest, Rest, Rest


I'm sure it is someone I know birthday but I don't know who it is. It is the 97th day after my sister Judy's birthday and she wanted to be mentioned in the blog.


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