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Wouldn't It Be Nice

So I bet you are wondering what the title has to do with today's ride. You may be thinking what could be bad if they have now entered their eleventh state and only have four to go. They covered nearly 100 miles and are less than 600 miles from home.

You are probably thinking there must have been some problems. Well there were a few problems. Thom pointed out in his Facebook post we encountered some wind today. It was nothing like yesterday. But we had a good 10 mph headwind the whole day. As my fingers are pointing out there were lots of white caps on Lake Erie. 

Or it could have been having to ask Claudia to drive back 50 miles so we could change Thom's tire. As you can see the tire had a little hole in it. Yikes! 

Or it could have been having to change Thom's cleats since the left cleat had worn to the point he could no longer get it to clip in.

Or it could have been us thinking "Do we really have to eat on the curb at a gas station again?

Or it could have been my digestive issues which caused us to make more stops than normal the first 40  miles of the ride. (Thom graciously left this out of his Facebook post).
Or it could have been us thinking in less a week we may be sleeping in our own bed, using our own pillows, being able to control the temperature and knowing where things are.
But you would be wrong.

It definitely didn't have to do with Claudia very artsy photograph of me at the start of the ride.

It definitely didn't have anything to do with the majestic houses we saw along Lakefront Drive in Cleveland,

It definitely didn't have anything to do with the six miles of bike path we rode sheltered from the wind where we averaged 15.6 MPH.

By the way, here is today's ride on Strava:

So why did I choose this title? It's because some of the lines of the song are:

And wouldn't it be nice to live together

In the kind of world where we belong?
Forty Five years ago today, I drove from Albuquerque to College Station, Texas to move in with Claudia. Best move I ever made. 


OK so you are getting bored with the table. So here is what's new from today:

Happier? If you still want the details from earlier days, you can look at yesterday's post.


We hope to make it to the Buffalo, NY area.


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